1. think

        To think is to have an idea, belief, or thought about something. If you think that your parents are unusually strict, it means that you believe that to be true.

        The verb think means to reason, consider, or mull over. If you think for a while before you decide whether or not to get in your friend's car, it means that you're contemplating the situation before you act. If you think that people shouldn't eat animals, it means that you hold that opinion. If you think up a new, delicious way to cook broccoli, it means that you've invented or conceived of a great cooking method.

        Primary Meanings of think

        judge or regard; look upon; judge
        be capable of conscious thought
        an instance of deliberate thinking
        expect, believe, or suppose
        bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation
        Full Definitions of think

        v judge or regard; look upon; judge

        “I think he is very smart”
        “I think that he is her boyfriend”
        believe, conceive, consider
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        remain committed to
        change one's mind
        esteem, look on, look upon, regard as, repute, take to be, think of
        look on as or consider
        have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude
        consider, reckon, regard, see, view
        deem to be
        consider reasonable or due
        regard favorably or with disapproval
        consider again; give new consideration to; usually with a view to changing
        consider again (a bill) that had been voted upon before, with a view to altering it
        consider as part of something
        modify one's opinion, make it less strong
        change one's mind and assume the opposite viewpoint
        regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem
        consider or regard as being
        feel about or towards; consider, evaluate, or regard
        relativise, relativize
        consider or treat as relative
        consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else
        favor, favour
        consider as the favorite
        consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically
        consider an abstract concept to be real
        idealise, idealize
        consider or render as ideal
        deem, hold, take for, view as
        keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
        esteem, prise, prize, respect, value
        regard highly; think much of
        disesteem, disrespect
        have little or no respect for; hold in contempt
        consider as being
        capitalise, capitalize
        consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses
        appreciate, prize, treasure, value
        hold dear
        Type of:
        evaluate, judge, pass judgment
        form a critical opinion of

        v recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection

        “I can't think what her last name was”
        call back, call up, recall, recollect, remember, retrieve
        blank out, block, draw a blank, forget
        be unable to remember
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        perceive as familiar
        recognise, recognize
        perceive to be the same
        brush up, refresh, review
        refresh one's memory
        consider to be equal or the same

        v have or formulate in the mind

        think good thoughts”
        Type of:
        cerebrate, cogitate
        use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

        v imagine or visualize

        “Just think--you could be rich one day!”
        Think what a scene it must have been!”
        Type of:
        conceive of, envisage, ideate, imagine
        form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case

        v decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting

        “Can you think what to do next?”
        Type of:
        cerebrate, cogitate
        use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

        v dispose the mind in a certain way

        “Do you really think so?”
        Type of:
        believe, conceive, consider
        judge or regard; look upon; judge

        v be capable of conscious thought

        “Man is the only creature that thinks

        v use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

        “I've been thinking all day and getting nowhere”
        cerebrate, cogitate
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        puzzle over
        try to solve
        rationalise, rationalize
        think rationally; employ logic or reason
        philosophise, philosophize
        reason philosophically
        try to solve a problem by thinking intensely about it
        chew over, contemplate, excogitate, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, ponder, reflect, ruminate, speculate, think over
        reflect deeply on a subject
        think logically
        conclude, reason, reason out
        decide by reasoning; draw or come to a conclusion
        evaluate, judge, pass judgment
        form a critical opinion of
        contemplate, meditate, study
        think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes
        make plans for something
        associate, colligate, connect, link, link up, relate, tie in
        make a logical or causal connection
        center, centre, concentrate, focus, pore, rivet
        direct one's attention on something
        devote, give, pay
        think about
        have on one's mind, think about actively
        absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, plunge, soak up, steep
        devote (oneself) fully to
        exercise, or have the power of, memory
        rationalise away, rationalize away
        substitute a natural for a supernatural explanation of
        think or reflect beforehand or in advance
        theologise, theologize
        make theoretical speculations about theology or discuss theological subjects
        reflect on one's own thoughts and feelings
        form or construct theories
        construct a theory about
        reason methodologically and logically
        reason or establish by induction
        deduce, deduct, derive, infer
        reason by deduction; establish by deduction
        calculate, cipher, compute, cypher, figure, reckon, work out
        make a mathematical calculation or computation
        syllogise, syllogize
        reason by syllogisms
        categorise, categorize
        place into or assign to a category
        grade, order, place, range, rank, rate
        assign a rank or rating to
        have or maintain a position or stand on an issue
        judge to be right or commendable; think well of
        consider bad or wrong
        plan for an activity or event
        see fit or proper to act in a certain way; decide to act in a certain way
        judge beforehand, especially without sufficient evidence
        appraise, assess, evaluate, measure, valuate, value
        evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of
        appraise anew
        consider or ponder something carefully
        refuse to accept or acknowledge
        consider or hold as true
        believe, conceive, consider
        judge or regard; look upon; judge
        consider carefully and deeply; reflect upon; turn over in one's mind
        plan in detail
        project, propose
        present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.
        compose, draw up, frame
        make up plans or basic details for
        plan secretly, usually something illegal
        devise a system or form a scheme for
        designate, destine, intend, specify
        design or destine
        direct, engineer, mastermind, orchestrate, organise, organize
        plan and direct (a complex undertaking)
        lay out
        provide a detailed plan or design
        calculate, count on, estimate, figure, forecast, reckon
        judge to be probable
        place into a mutual relationship
        bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation
        conceive of as united or associated
        associate freely
        feel, find
        come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds
        anticipate, expect
        regard something as probable or likely
        cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression
        be concerned with or about something or somebody
        ascribe, assign, attribute, impute
        attribute or credit to
        have in mind, mean, think of
        intend to refer to
        consider, deal, look at, take
        take into consideration for exemplifying purposes
        assign, attribute
        decide as to where something belongs in a scheme
        make a schedule; plan the time and place for events
        disapprove, reject
        deem wrong or inappropriate
        adjudge, declare, hold
        declare to be
        critique, review
        appraise critically
        question, wonder
        place in doubt or express doubtful speculation
        talk over conjecturally, or review in an idle or casual way and with an element of doubt or without sufficient reason to reach a conclusion
        deduce, infer
        conclude by reasoning; in logic
        conclude from evidence
        extrapolate, generalise, generalize, infer
        draw from specific cases for more general cases
        be uncertain about; think about without fully understanding or being able to decide
        zoom in
        examine closely; focus one's attention on
        consider, study
        give careful consideration to
        hear, listen, take heed
        listen and pay attention
        judge unacceptable
        accept or judge as acceptable
        essay, examine, prove, test, try, try out
        put to the test, as for its quality, or give experimental use to

        v focus one's attention on a certain state

        Think big”
        think thin”
        Type of:
        center, centre, concentrate, focus, pore, rivet
        direct one's attention on something

        v ponder; reflect on, or reason about

        Think the matter through”
        Think how hard life in Russia must be these days”
        Type of:
        cerebrate, cogitate
        use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

        n an instance of deliberate thinking

        “I need to give it a good think
        Type of:
        advisement, deliberation, weighing
        careful consideration

        v expect, believe, or suppose

        “I thought to find her in a bad state”
        “he didn't think to find her in the kitchen”
        guess, imagine, opine, reckon, suppose
        hold in suspicion; believe to be guilty
        Type of:
        anticipate, expect
        regard something as probable or likely

        v have in mind as a purpose

        “She didn't think to harm me”
        “We thought to return early that night”
        intend, mean
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        intend or have as a purpose
        be after, plan
        have the will and intention to carry out some action
        aim, propose, purport, purpose
        propose or intend
        think out
        consider carefully and rationally
        aim, aspire, draw a bead on, shoot for
        have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
        go for, hope
        intend with some possibility of fulfilment

        v bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation

        “She thought herself into a state of panic over the final exam”
        Type of:
        alter, change, modify
        cause to change; make different; cause a transformation

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